In my personal life I have found that blogging allows me to keep my family and friends updated on the happening in my life. By blogging videos, pictures, and updates I am able to easily keep everyone involved in my life, despite the fact that I live 100's of miles away in a different state. This is exactly the purpose I feel it will serve in the classroom. Instead of keeping my students and their families up to date on the happenings in my personal life, I will keeping them updated on the events in class, school, and community. With blogging the possibilities seem endless! You can have an overall class blog, or each student can create his or her own individual blog. I think that starting out it would be easier to create a class blog and grow from there when ready.
On my classroom blog I would like to have different students logging on each day to "journal" about the events of the day. Maybe a review of the main skills taught that day. I would also like to add video of lessons taught that day that may be challenging to make up if absent. This would be useful for both students and parents. By checking the class blog parents would be able to see what their child missed in the event of an absence. Parents could also check in from time to time to see exactly what their child is learning. It could ultimately take the place of a newsletter.
I think the blog could also be used to showcase student work and accomplishments. Video and pictures are very easily added to blogs to enhance the blogging experience for viewers. This would be a great way to display video of presentations or pictures of projects. On my class website I use my Flip video footage to display class plays and dance team performances that my students participated in. This is a great way for students to share these events with family members that could not attend. I would make this an integral part of my blog as well.
As a third grade self contained teacher, I think this blog would enhance many different areas of my classroom dynamic. It would enhance the relationships with the parents/family of my students while also enhancing the learning experience of each child in my class. The class blog would give each child a reason to be proud of their accomplishments in 3rd grade and an easy way to show it off to everyone. It will help students who are present in class and those who are absent. It will also give students exposure to more technological experiences.
I think the number one hurdle I will face with this adventure will be with my school district. Most blog sites are blocked from our server making blogging from school near to impossible. I think our district is currently reviewing that rule as blogging has become so popular in a school setting. Another problem may be the whole "confidentiality" aspect. Each parent would have to agree to let their child participate in the class blog and also allow pictures and videos to be posted. The hard part will be finding what to do with students whose parents do NOT allow them to do this. How do you keep them from feeling left out? How do you get parents on board with this concept?
Your concern about district and parent approval is a valid one. There are many people who are fearful of the blogging world. I am similar to you, I'm an avid blogger already and I follow many. I think that creating a blog like you are suggesting would be an easier, more earth friendly way to keep in touch with your classroom community.
I would suggest having students who were not able to gain permission to blog online to blog in your classroom, still write it down and possibly send it home as a flyer. The families would get the information, your student would get experience with technology, and meet the similar goals.
Another idea would be to have a blog that is open to viewers by invitation only. This would mean more legwork for you - approving comments, inviting and approving certain email addresses, and it would close your blog to the world. I think that for a third grade classroom, this may be a more appropriate choice. It would also give your students the freedom to write about things with more depth.
Good luck!
I have the same issue with my school district. So many sites are blocked by the filter. I know that currently blogging sites are blocked. I agree with Rachel that by showing that the blog is closed, that would take some of the fear away, although it would be more work. I teach high school and parents will still worry there even though there kids are all over the web all the time.
I teach comm. arts and we produce video daily. Can you tell me how you post pictures and video and how much space there is for video? I would love to have my kids each keep a portfolio of their video productions? I am new to blogging, but I love it already and think it would be a great tool.
I see you also like to keep parents involved and up to date. Maybe a phone call or conference explaining the benefits of a blog will help parents make a decision. Sometimes parents are also concerned about safety. I enjoyed your blog page. It is different and looks very inviting.
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