Welcome to my blog! Here you will find a variety of assignments that I have completed for my graduate work at Walden University.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cooperative Learning

Chapter 7, Cooperative Learning, is an excellent resource for involving more social learning theory into your classroom while also integrating technology. The resources listed in the chapter were probably some of my favorite thus far. My favorite portion of the chapter was the "Keypals" section on page 145. Under this heading were several ways to connect students from around the globe together to work collaboratively on projects and assignments. I think this is an excellent idea, as I have always been a big fan of "pen pals". I think allowing students to work with students from other cities, states, and countries is an excellent way to prepare students to be global communicators. It also exposes students to other cultures and points of view that they wouldn't have otherwise experienced. I think Skype is another excellent tool that allows students to connect socially with other students and work face-to-face with students that they may or may not know.

All of this week's resources directly correlate with the social learning theory because they focus on students working together, constructing knowledge, and conversating about what they are learning.


Stephanie said...


I also thought the Keypals was a neat idea. It would be fun to see kids work with others in areas besides just our town. We will definitely have to get more information about this. Do you know anyone who is currently using it?

Shileah Heistand said...

I love the idea of students working together from around the globe. I teach in a art class, could you imagine what we could do with art from students around the world? How fun!

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