Welcome to my blog! Here you will find a variety of assignments that I have completed for my graduate work at Walden University.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Final Thoughts...

Reflect on the GAME plan you developed and followed throughout the course.

I think I have developed and started working on a pretty solid GAME plan throughout this 8 week course. I plan on using my game plan with my students to help them begin to master the technology standards outlined in the NETS-S. My goal is have my students each year leave my room with a solid foundation of how technology is important in the lives. I want them to leave my classroom comfortable using a variety of technologies that will be important in their everyday lives.

•Summarize any new learning that resulted from your following your GAME plan and explain what impact your new learning will have on your instructional practice.

I am very excited about the new learnings I experienced at the Promethean Training and have already been working this summer on a plan of how I am going to go back to my school and help other teachers become more proficient with using their Promethean boards. I am so excited to have the knowledge to use the new Promethean Boards correctly and am looking forward to seeing my test scores increase as a result.

•Describe any immediate adjustments you will make to your instructional practice regarding technology integration in your content area(s) as a result of your learning from this course.

I am going to have to adjust to teaching in a totally different way now that I have a Promethean Board in my classroom. Traditional teaching is out the door at this point and I am now going to have to work hard on getting used to teaching with this new technology. I also am going to start doing more digital projects with my students after learning about them in this course. My first step will be getting my students to successfully complete a digital storytelling project. I know my students will greatly benefit from participating in these digital projects and will hopefully help them to retain the information they learn while in my class.


Lindsay said...

I too am excited to start using digital storytelling in the classroom. I think that this is a project that should be easy enough for all students to be able to complete. Not only will the students enjoy this because it is something different, but they will also be learning a lot as they create these stories. They will not only be learning the content, but also important technology skills as well.

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