Welcome to my blog! Here you will find a variety of assignments that I have completed for my graduate work at Walden University.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cognitive Learning Theory

Cognitive learning theory focuses mainly on how we understand, process, and store information. Dr. Orey presented several ideas on how to enhance student retention of information through the use of technological applications.
Chapter 4, Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers, spotlights essential questions and ways to organize information. Advance organizers help to activate prior knowledge and also boost retention of information. The strategies presented in this chapter correlate with the cogitivive learning theory because it allows students to take unknown information, map it out, and then be able to recall it from their long-term memory.
Chapter 6 of our course text gives specific strategies on summarizing and note taking. The character trait note-taking template on page 129 is an example of the concept mapping technique that Dr. Orey discussed on the course DVD. This map helps the learner keep information organized and connected in such a way that is more meaningful to the student, thus making it more memorable. I found several awesome technology applications that I would like to implement in my classroom. I did not previously know how to track changes in Microsoft Word or Auto summarize. Those were both excellent tools that will be beneficial to my students.


Sra. Pedroza said...

I was also impressed with the track changes and the auto summarize in Microsoft word. I feel there is so much technology out there that I do not know about. Some of them look so simple that I ask myself, How come I did not know that could be done? I know many of my colleagues have no idea about it either. Now I have to use it, so I do not forget it. Good luck!

Stephanie said...

I was also amazed about the tracking changes features and the summarizing tool! How did we make it through college without anyone telling us about it!? I really feel like I need to go out and get one of those "Dummies" books for Word!

Clarissa Miles, M.Ed. said...

After reflecting back over my comments for this week I agree that teachers do not know all of the tricks of the programs we use everyday! I would like to think that we would have learned information like that in college instead of learning html code and other unnecessary info that was taught in computers class! I am glad that we are learning these strategies now and I will start implementing these techniques in my classroom so that I don't forget how to do them. I am making it a personal goal of mine to share these ideas with colleagues that do not know how to do this.

BrookeD said...

I was also very intrigued with the auto summarizing option and the main idea option. Although I question its accuracy, I still would like to utilize this funtion in my classroom.

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