Please click here to view my digital presentation that I have created about online learning in grades k-12.
I hope you find it informative!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Application 4 Online Learning
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Final Reflection for EDUC-6714I-2
Through completing this course and the assignments each week, I now realize that I have already been differentiating within my inclusion classroom. I was not familiar with Universal Design for Learning but was also implementing most of the principles from that as well. Now that I am familiar and comfortable with UDL principles and strategies I will begin to make sure my lessons are designed with UDL and DI as the main focus so that all of my students will experience academic success in my classroom. I will continue to use technology to enhance the curriculum that my students are learning and use that as my main tool for differentiating. I plan to place a huge emphasis on getting to know each one of my students so that I can provide differentiation based on their strengths, interests, and learning profiles. One goal that I have set for myself is to continue researching and implementing new technological resources that are available to me and stay on top of new technology trends.
I have sincerely enjoyed this course and am thankful that we have our differentiation station groups so that all of my resources can be stored in one place. I am currently working on placing those resources on our schools server so that they are available to all of the teachers in my building. I am also planning on presenting my UDL presentation to our faculty to help other teachers become familiar with this information. I know that the best thing I can do with all of the knowledge I have gained from this course is to put it into practice and share it with others.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Final Thoughts...
•Reflect on the GAME plan you developed and followed throughout the course.
I think I have developed and started working on a pretty solid GAME plan throughout this 8 week course. I plan on using my game plan with my students to help them begin to master the technology standards outlined in the NETS-S. My goal is have my students each year leave my room with a solid foundation of how technology is important in the lives. I want them to leave my classroom comfortable using a variety of technologies that will be important in their everyday lives.
•Summarize any new learning that resulted from your following your GAME plan and explain what impact your new learning will have on your instructional practice.
I am very excited about the new learnings I experienced at the Promethean Training and have already been working this summer on a plan of how I am going to go back to my school and help other teachers become more proficient with using their Promethean boards. I am so excited to have the knowledge to use the new Promethean Boards correctly and am looking forward to seeing my test scores increase as a result.
•Describe any immediate adjustments you will make to your instructional practice regarding technology integration in your content area(s) as a result of your learning from this course.
I am going to have to adjust to teaching in a totally different way now that I have a Promethean Board in my classroom. Traditional teaching is out the door at this point and I am now going to have to work hard on getting used to teaching with this new technology. I also am going to start doing more digital projects with my students after learning about them in this course. My first step will be getting my students to successfully complete a digital storytelling project. I know my students will greatly benefit from participating in these digital projects and will hopefully help them to retain the information they learn while in my class.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Using the GAME Plan Process with Students
Post your thoughts and ideas about how you will use the GAME plan process with your students to help them develop proficiency in the technology standards and indicators outlined in the NETS-S. Reach out to your colleagues in this learning community for assistance if needed.
After looking through the NETS for students and teachers I noticed that they are very similar. I think the most important part for students is that promotes critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. I feel that this is very important for the 21st century learner! Critical thinking and problem solving skills aren't easy to teach to students and I think using technology is an excellent way of incorporating these skills into the curriculum.
My plan for the upcoming school year is to familarize my students with the NET standards and help each of them develop a personalized GAME plan. I want to focus on Technology Operations/Concepts and Digital Citizenship. These are the two areas that I feel are very important for my 3rd grade studetns. I feel that they need a strong grasp on how technologies works and can be used effectively. I also want them to understand the safe & legal ways to use technology. I feel confident that after taking this course I will be equipped with the tools necessary to help my student develop and carry out their very one GAME plan.
ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) (2008). The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T) and Performance Indicatiors for Teachers. retrieved fromhttp://www.iste.o-Trg/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Evaluating My Game Plan
- What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice? What goals are you still working toward?
- If you are not ready to set new learning goals, how will you extend what you have learned so far?
- What learning approaches will you try next time to improve your learning?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Evaluating Game Plan Progress
I am excited this week to evaluate my GAME plan because I am attending a major training this week that meets one of my goals in my GAME plan. I will finish this training on Friday and then will be a certified trainer for Promethean.
I have learned a plethora of techniques to use in my instructional practice this week. Most of them have been tricks to use with my Promethean Board. I have learned to create interactive flipcharts that my students will enjoy while also raising achievement scores. I am now prepared to utilize my Promethean Board in every content area and in almost every lesson that I teach.
What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?
Even though I am attending an extensive training, there is still so much I have left to learn. One area that I need to learn more about and that I am having questions about is creating tests using the Activexpression (hand held devices). The training that I am attending this week does not cover that topic and it is something that I am wanting to start using with my assessments.
How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monitoring GAME Plan Progress
• Are you finding the information and resources you need?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Carrying Out My Game Plan
In last week's blog I identified my GAME plan for strengthening my confidence in two of the indicators in the NETS-T. This week I am going to be addressing the following points
Friday, May 14, 2010
Developing My Personal GAME Plan

There are 5 performance indicators listed for teachers to consider when designing, implementing , and assessing learning in the classroom. Our assignment this week is to reflect on the standards and indicators to determine which indicators I feel most comfortable with and those with which I do not feel as confident or proficient as I would like to be.
intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. This is listed in indicator A on the ISTE website. After I have done extensive research in this area I will then familiarize my students with this information. My goal here is make sure that not only my students are correctly documenting their sources, but also as their teacher I need to make sure to do the same when creating my lessons. I feel that by modeling for my students the ethical use of digital information it will encourage them to do the same.
Step#3 Determine how you will monitor your progress.
In order to monitor my progress for standard 4 my plan is to design rubrics for my students to utilize when creating digital projects. This rubric will include ethical use of digital information and documenting sources. By embedding this into my projects I will be holding students accountable for this standard and not making it an option. When grading the different digital projects I will be able to see first hand if the students are able to accomplish this task and reflect on my teaching of this skill.
To monitor my progress for standard 5 my plan is create a survey that my fellow co-workers can complete after attending my trainings which will allow them to give feed back on my progress. I also plan to create polls and send them out to the faculty so that teachers can indicate which areas they need more help in so that I can modify my trainings to meet their needs.
Step#4 Decide how you will evaluate and extend your learning.
To evaluate and extend my learning I plan to participate in the Promethean Forum and Blogs so that I can stay on top of current trends and problems that are occurring. I will collaborate with the other teacher in my building who will also be a certified Promethean trainer so that we can make plans to extend our learning together.
I have always considered myself to be a tech-savvy teacher and know that in order to maintain this status I must continually develop GAME plans that not only focuses on my growth but also the growth of my students and my fellow teachers.
ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) (2008). The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T) and PErformance Indicatiors for TEachers. retrieved from http://www.iste.o-Trg/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/For Teachers/2008Standards/NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf
Sunday, April 25, 2010 Inspector Gadget

Describe the most striking revelation you had about the teaching of new literacy skills to your students as a result of this course.
Describe how the knowledge and experience gained in this course will influence your teaching practices going forward.
Identify at least one professional development goal you would like to pursue that builds upon your learning in this course and develops your own information literacy or technology skills. Describe the steps you will take to accomplish this goal.