Welcome to my blog! Here you will find a variety of assignments that I have completed for my graduate work at Walden University.

Friday, May 8, 2009

More Culture Thoughts

Today I am going to continue reflecting on culture...here are some of the questions I will be journaling about:
When do I notice culture? How often do I think about it?
How would I characterize encounters that I have had with people of different cultures? Have they been positive experiences? Negative? Neutral?
I would say I notice culture when someone speaks. Our words are often a clue into what culture we come from. Like I had mentioned in a previous post, I don't really think much about culture. I am constantly surrounded by it, at work, home, church, etc. I never really give it much thought. All of my experiences have been positive when dealing with culture. I have at times gotten frustrated at language barriers but completely understand that is a two way street! I am someone who embraces change and differences and try to do the best that I can to instill that into the students that I teach.
How do I feel when I interact with a person who speaks a native language other than English? Do I treat the person differently than when I am speaking to a person whose first language is English? What assumptions do I have about linguistically diverse people?
I gave a speech once in college about how to effectively communicate with international students at my college. I started out my speech by playing this movie clip.

I did this because this how many of us try to speak to others with cultural differences. I think I got the attention of my classmates and hopefully prevented them from ever doing this.
How does my value system relate to my culture? What values do I hold dear? Have I had experiences where my values were in conflict with another person’s values? How did I resolve these differences? I gave this speech because I was dating an international student who I personally witnessed being judged by his accent and limited English abilities. I promised myself I would never be one those people, and to my knowledge I haven't been. I am very patient when speaking to people who have another native language and I try to communicate effectively. I do admit there are times when I get frustrated by I know that it must be equally frustrating for the other person too!.

As far as my value system relating to my culture......Well that is a hard one to reflect on. I think every person develops a set of values based on the way they were brought up by their parents. I was brought up in a christian home and today my faith is very near and dear to me! I have had plenty of experiences where my values and another person's values did not agree. I am a very passive person and often find myself not standing up for what I believe in. I am a person who avoids conflict at all costs so when those situation arise I usually am one who gives in or apologizes even when I don't mean it. That is something that I have tried to change, but no matter how hard I try....I just can't seem to fix. Oh-well that is what makes me who I am!


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